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Passive Komponenten


Bild Serie/Typ Hersteller Produktgruppe Artikelkategorie Hauptkategorie Nennspannung[Vdc] Kapazität [µF] Kapazität [F] Betriebstemperatur[°C] Lebensdauer [hrs] Abmessungen L [mm] Abmessungen H[mm] Produkt Feature Produkt Status
Chemi Con KXN KXN Chemi Con Radial Lead Type Aluminium-Elektrolyt-Kondensatoren Passive Komponenten 350 to 450 15 to 330 0,000015 to 0,00033 -40 to 105 10000 to 12000 10 to 18 16 to 50
Long life, downsizing, for input filtering
In Production
Chemi Con KXL KXL Chemi Con Radial Lead Type Aluminium-Elektrolyt-Kondensatoren Passive Komponenten 400 to 450 15 to 150 0,000015 to 0,00015 -40 to 105 10000 to 12000 10 to 18 20 to 50
Long life, downsizing, for input filtering
In Production
Chemi Con KMS KMS Chemi Con SnapIn Type Aluminium-Elektrolyt-Kondensatoren Passive Komponenten 160 to 600 47 to 3300 0,000047 to 0,0033 -25 to 105 3000 to 3000 22 to 35 25 to 60
105℃, downsizing
In Production
Chemi Con TXH TXH Chemi Con SnapIn Type Aluminium-Elektrolyt-Kondensatoren Passive Komponenten 200 to 450 220 to 1800 0,00022 to 0,0018 -25 to 105 10000 to 10000 30 to 40 30 to 60
Long life
In Production
Chemi Con KMT KMT Chemi Con SnapIn Type Aluminium-Elektrolyt-Kondensatoren Passive Komponenten 420 to 450 82 to 680 0,000082 to 0,00068 -25 to 105 3000 to 3000 22 to 35 25 to 50
105℃, high ripple
In Production

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