Contact Persons

Your contacts for career opportunities

At alfatec, humanity and community are emphasised in all aspects. Our dedicated HR team aims to create a working culture characterized by openness, trust and respect. We attach great importance to our employees being able to meet each other on a personal level and at eye level. That is why it is important to us that you are able to form an impression of your future contacts before you apply.


Our questions for Gabi Gracey

Gabi Gracey

What does a typical day at the office look like for you?

My first task in the morning is to read all the new emails. Then I make a rough plan of what I have to do that day. However, 60 per cent of the day doesn't go as planned. There are always a lot of unexpected tasks in between. That's what makes it so exciting and interesting.

What are your responsibilities at alfatec?

I have a wide variety of tasks. Some of them are
- Recruiting employees and trainees
- Onboarding new employees
- Coordinating trainees & students
- Fleet management
- Insurance management
- Ad hoc tasks from our CFO

What do you particularly like about your job?

I really enjoy working with people. In HR, the tasks are very varied. I worked in the advertising industry for over 20 years. There, I just sat at my desk and mindlessly processed orders. After making a career change, I realised that it's the mix of tasks that counts. In my current position, I have found exactly the variety I like. I have a lot of contact with people, but I also enjoy the administrative work.

What is particularly important to you in an application?

For me, the first impression of an application is very important. If I'm applying for a new job, then I should concentrate on the preparation of the application. It's like eating - as we all know, you eat with your eyes. I also think that a complete CV plays a very important role in an application.

What do you like to do after work?

I enjoy cooking and reading. Due to my sedentary job, I also go to the gym two to three times a week.

Our Questions for Heike Eigel

What are your responsibilities at alfatec?

As a project management assistant, I have various tasks: e.g. looking after the trainees, supporting the sales managers and my superiors, negotiating contracts with suppliers, etc.

What do you like about your job?

It is varied and never gets boring or monotonous.
My area of responsibility brings me into contact with almost all departments. This means that teamwork is very important and having nice colleagues makes it twice as much fun.

What does a typical day in the office look like for you?

The first thing I do in the morning is check my emails and look at my diary to see what appointments I have for the day. Then I make a rough plan of which tasks are important and need to be completed quickly.
I then usually go to the first meetings or consultations with colleagues, customers or suppliers and start working through my tasks. Priorities often change during the course of the day, as something always comes up - not everything can be planned. But that's exactly what I like about my work.

What tips do you have for potential trainees?

A new phase begins with the apprenticeship and you leave your familiar school days behind you, many things are strange and unfamiliar at the beginning. My tip: Don't be unsettled, be open to new things and be curious.
Remember, you are learning for yourself and laying the foundations for your future career.

What do you particularly enjoy doing in your free time?

I love travelling, but depending on the time of year, you can also do a lot here, for example picking mushrooms, canoeing on the river or going for a walk along the canal.

Any questions left?

We look forward to meeting you and getting to know each other better!
If you would like to get in touch beforehand, please write to us at or


Gabi Gracey
Gabi Gracey
Human Resources Manager / Coordinator Trainees & Students
Meckenloher Str. 11
91126 Rednitzhembach
Heike Eigel
Assistant Project Management / Coordinator Trainees & Students
Meckenloher Str. 11
91126 Rednitzhembach