Single-Phase ASICs

A single-phase ASIC, Application-Specific Integrated Circuit, for motors is a specially designed chip that optimizes the control and regulation of electric motors. Compared to standard ICs or microcontrollers, ASICs offer several advantages that contribute to higher efficiency, performance and reliability of motors.


Single-Phase ASIC
Maximum efficiency thanks to optimized control algorithms
Space-saving due to compact housing size
High reliability
Motors such as in automation and robotics
Household appliances such as washing machines, air conditioners, vacuum cleaners or hot air appliances
Single-Phase ASIC


Are you interested in discrete single phase ASICs?
Please contact us for further information.

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Our partner in the field of single phase ASICs


Our partner Fortior has been successfully developing engine control ICs and algorithms for over 10 years. With R&D centres in Singapore and China, the company strives to create an innovative ecosystem with efficient chip technology. Their products are used in a wide range of applications including industrial equipment, household appliances, medical technology and robotics.



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